WVDOH Standards & Manuals Committee – Feb. 5

The WVDOH Standards & Manuals Committee’s next meeting will be held in person on February 5, 2025, at 9:00a.m. in Room 820 in Building 5 of the WV Capitol Complex, 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston, WV. For those unable to attend in person please join via Google Meet, details below. Copies of the proposed changes for the meeting are available - February Packet.
The Standards Committee agenda has three items this month. Two Structural Directives: SD 2090 – Jointless Bridge Abutments and SD 2110 – Piers along with one Design Directive DD814-On Job Training. The two SD’s provide additional guidance to designers, SD 2110 also has been modified to add limits to reinforcing steel and additional evaluations procedures for loading due to rehabilitation activities. DD814 was modified to better clarify OJT requirements on Federal funded projects and what documentation is required.
The Manuals Committee agenda contains two items, first is updates and revisions to the Consultant Services Manual. The second item is the WVDOH Construction Manual, which will see revisions to the language in Section 642 dealing with Permits and Sediment Control. Forms for Environmental Construction Inspections have also been added.
Members interested in submitting comments should do so in advance of the meeting. Comments may be submitted directly to the WVDOH at Janie Adkins at janie.m.adkins@wv.gov, to CAWV Standards Committee Chairman, Jeremiah Knavenshue at jeremiah.knavenshue@mbakerintl.com, and/or John Crane at jcrane@asphaltwv.com. This meeting complies with the Open Government Meeting Act.
To join by phone: 267-396-2870 | PIN: 116558736
Standards Committee Agenda Items
New Business
SD2090-Jointless Bridge Abutments Revision to entire SD. The SD now provides guidance on when integral abutments and semi-integral abutments can be used and DOH's design and detailing expectations. The SD also includes a new section discussing semi-integral abutment conversions. SD2090-Jointless Bridge Abutments | B. Neeley |
DD814-On Job Training To clarify that On Job Training (OJT) applies to federally funded projects only, update to Division name, and update necessary documents needed for the OJT request. | D. Ballard |
Manuals Committee Agenda Items
Unfinished Business
Consultant Services Manual An update to the language/typos. | J. Adkins |
New Business
Construction Manual This is an update to Section 642-Temporary Pollution Control. The revision updates language and adds links to the NPDES General Permit, Sediment Control Best Management Practice Manual, and the WVDOH Environmental Construction Inspection Form. | D. Kirk |
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