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WVDOH Offering AWP Payroll and Subcontractor Payment Data Entry Training


For all WVDOH projects let after October 8th, 2024(Initial Announcement), industry is required to enter certified payroll and subcontractor payment data into the WVDOH’s project tracking system, AASHTOWare Project (AWP). To assist industry users on how to utilize the system and learn how to enter required data the WVDOH has announced a schedule of trainings being held virtually. Please see the corresponding lists and links to the online training below. WVDOH will also provide in-person training upon request.
Industry Online Training Dates

Prior to these training sessions, we encourage you to review preliminary training resources on the Civil Rights Compliance Division webpage here(some linked below as well). In addition, if you have not done so, utilize the following form to to get those in your company tasked with data entry added as a registered user for AWP (AASHTOWare Project Resources: External User CRL Request Access Form​ and External User CRL Login Website​).  Please note each individual should have their own login credentials and account information may not be shared.

If you need assistance with AWP login or have any questions regarding the training, contact Shane McComas with WVDOH at

Certified Payrolls​ Information

Certified payroll functionality in CRL allows payrolls to be imported and tracked in a singular database. Various payroll components are calculated and checked in CRL, including pay rates, fringe benefits, hours worked, etc. There are three (3) methods to enter payrolls in CRL:

1.Manual Entry – recommended for small companies (≤10 employees);
2.Excel Spreadsheet and Conversion – recommended for smaller companies with no payroll system (≤50 employees);
3.XML Export from your Company's Payroll System – Recommended and preferred method for importing payrolls; takes the longest to develop but is the quickest method to import once developed.The below resources may be used to develop an XML export from your payroll system. Limited access to a test environment of AWP CRL may be provided upon request to evaluate if the export developed from your payroll system is valid. If your company is using a bought payroll system (“off the shelf"), please provide them with the below resources:

Computer Based Trainings (CBT)
Entering Payrolls​
Managing and Reviewing Payrolls​

Quick Reference Guides (QRG)
Managing Payrolls

​​​Subcontractor Prompt Payment Trainings

WVDOT requires all prime contractors to enter prompt payment into AWP CRL for all federally funded contracts.  Resources on how to enter a prompt payment entry, how to sign prompt payments, and how to review prompt payment entries are provided below.

Computer Based Trainings (CBT)
Managing Subcontract Payments

Quick Reference Guides (QRG)
Managing Subcontract Payments​


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