WVDOH Specification Committee – August 7, 2024

The WVDOH announces its August Specifications Committee meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, August 7 at 9:00 a.m. at the WVDOH Building 5 Conference Room 820 at 1900 Kanawha Blvd. E., Charleston WV. For those unable to attend in person please join via Google Meet, details below.
Critical things to look for in the meeting packet which are expected to be approved this meeting:
- Civil Rights and Labor Special Provision – A SP is in committee which will require contractors and subcontractors to electronically submit certified payrolls and subcontractor payments utilizing the Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) module within the AWP system.
- 720.3.2- Smoothness Quality Assurance Testing – A Spec change in the testing and turnaround times for smoothness analysis of asphalt pavements.
- E-Tickets - Specification change to Section 109-Measurement and Payment, the revisions add precast concrete products, pipe, and reinforcing steel to subsection, which will make E-tickets required for such items.
A copy of the agenda and proposals will be posted online at the Specifications Committee Website HERE. Comments are requested on these Specification changes and Project Specific Special Provisions and may be submitted directly to Janie Adkins, Assistant Specifications Engineer at the WVDOH at janie.m.adkins@wv.gov or DOHSpecifications@wv.gov, or to the CAWV Specifications Committee Chairman, Chad Miller, at cmiller@jfallenco.com, and John Crane at jcrane@asphaltwv.com. Please share comments by August 2, 2024, so that they can be reviewed/discussed at the meeting.
To join by phone dial +1 405-349-3130 PIN: 433738980
Old Business Items
720 | 720.3.2-Quality Assurance (QA) Testing
V. Allison | 5th time to Committee; discussed in December, February, April, and June. Specification change to Section 720-Smoothness Testing. The revision updates the turnaround time for testing and the removal of Schedule 3 paving. Updates per comments at the last meeting; it is redline copy showing the revisions. Approval is expected in August. |
SP-Civil Rights and Labor (CRL)
D. Ballard | 3rd time to Committee; discussed in April, and June. The purpose of this SP is to notify contractors and subcontractors that they will be required to electronically submit certified payrolls and subcontractor payments utilizing the Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) module within the AWP system. The SP addresses CRL system requirements and access procedures, payroll submission/import methods, and subcontractor payment submission requirements. No update to the Special Provision. Approval is expected in August. | |
406 | SP406-High Friction Surface Treatment
K. Baranowski | 3rd time to Committee; discussed in April, and June. The purpose of this SP is to include language as it should pertain to a bridge deck, specifically, and in-service bridge deck that has cracking. The SP addresses the widespread bridge deck cracking and then applies the High Friction Surface Treatment. Overall, this provides an overlay that includes high friction for safety purposes and takes care of the cracks. No update to Special Provision. Approval is expected in August. |
106 | 106.1-Source of Supply and Quality Requirements
J. Adkins | 2nd time to Committee, discussed in June. Specification change to Section 106-Measurement and Payment. Updating Buy America requirements to correlate with new guidance from FHWA. The revision adds reference to the MPs and federal guidelines. Updates per comments at the last meeting; it is redline copy showing the revisions. Approval is expected in August. |
109 | 109.20.1-Electronic Ticket Delivery
G. Hanna | 2nd time to Committee, discussed in June. Specification change to Section 109-Measurement and Payment. Revisions adds precast concrete products, pipe, and reinforcing steel to subsection. Updates per comments at the last meeting; it is redline copy showing the revisions. Approval is expected in August. |
601 | SP601-Structural Concrete
A. Gillispie | 2nd time to Committee, discussed in June. Project Specific Special Provision (SP) for Structural Concrete. The revision adds Class S concrete. No updates to Special Provision. Approval is expected in August. |
701 | SP701-Expansive Hydraulic Cement
A. Gillispie | 2nd time to Committee, discussed in June. Project Specific Special Provision (SP) for Hydraulic Cement. Revision adds Expansive Hydraulic Cement as a subsection. No updates to Special Provision. Approval is expected in August. |
701 | 701.5-Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cements
A. Gillispie | 2nd time to Committee, discussed in June. Specification Change to 701-Hydraulic Cement. The revision adds new subsection 701.5-Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement to the subsection.
No updates to specification. Approval is expected in August. |
New Business
506 | 506.3-Proportioning
A. Gillispie | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 506-Concrete Pavement Repair. The revision adds a continuous mobile volumetric mixer as an option in lieu of a batch plant. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
514 | 514.4-Testing
A. Thaxton | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 514-Roller Compacted Concrete. The revision updates AASHTO T23 to AASHTO R100. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
603 | 603.6.2.1-Class S-P Concrete Mix Design Testing.
A. Thaxton | 1st time to Committee. Specification Changes to 603-Prestressed Concrete Members. The revision replaces the Rapid Chloride Test with the Surface Resistivity Test. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
623 | 623.2-Materials
K. Kukaua | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 623-Pneumatically Applied Mortar or Concrete (Shotcrete). Revision updates the Materials Table in 623.2 to reflect the fibers being used for shotcrete being added in section 715 Fibers for Portland Cement Concrete. The dosage at which they pass these requirements will be the dosage required for application in the field. Additionally revised in the table is the subsection for Curing Materials. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
655 | SP655-Matting for Erosion Control
J. Bailey | 1st time to Committee. Project Specific Special Provision (SP) Matting for Erosion Control. This is an update to a previously approved special provision. The revision removes physical requirements such as consistency, Percentage Open Area (POA), and Unit Weight and Yield. The revision also adds acceptance from a manufacturer based on the test data of the product. The Special Provision is redline copy showing the revision. |
708 | 708.3-Joint and Crack Sealant, Hot-Poured for Concrete and Asphalt Pavements
S. Jack | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 708-Joint Materials. The revision adds that hot-applied asphalt aggregate-filled materials shall be evaluated by AASHTO Product Evaluation and Audit Solutions and shall meet the requirements of ASTM D8260. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
712 | 712.4-Galvanized Steel Deep Beam Guardrail, Fasteners and Anchor Bolts G. Hanna | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 712-Guardrail and Fence. This is an update to a previously approved specification. The revision adds the MP reference. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
715 | 715.3-Fibers for Portland Cement Concrete
K. Kukaua | 1st time to Committee. Specification Change to 715-Miscellaneous Materials. The specification change included the removal of requiring hybrid fibers, the alteration of the minimum required fiber reinforced cement properties was changed. All the values listed under the minimum required fiber reinforced concrete properties are connected, the minimum 25% residual strength ratio is a function of the flexural strength and the EFS value. In order to obtain the specified ultimate flexural strength at peak stress, the equivalent flexural strength number needed to be increased. The specification is redline copy showing the revision. |
Past Posts
WVDOH has released the Asphalt, Concrete and Fuel price adjustment indices for the month of March 2025 as shown below.
Period – 12/1/2024
#2 Fuel (Gal) – $2.6029
Asphalt (Ton) – $579.00
Cement (Ton) – $195.28
Historical and individualized information can be found on our Index page.
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WVDOH has released the Asphalt, Concrete and Fuel price adjustment indices for the month of February 2025 as shown below.
Period – 12/1/2024
#2 Fuel (Gal) – $2.4103
Asphalt (Ton) – $578.00
Cement (Ton) – $195.28
Historical and individualized information can be found on our Index page.
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WVDOH has released the Asphalt, Concrete and Fuel price adjustment indices for the month of January 2025 as shown below.
Period – 12/1/2024
#2 Fuel (Gal) – $2.2883
Asphalt (Ton) – $574.00
Cement (Ton) – $195.28
Historical and individualized information can be found on our Index page.
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