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WVDOH Specification Committee – June 12, 2024

2023 standard cover

UPDATE - The June Specifications Committee will only be held virtually this month... please use the link below to join the meeting at 9:00am.

The WVDOH announces its June Specifications Committee meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12 at 9:00 a.m. at the WVDOH Technical Support Division office at 1334 Smith Street, Charleston WV, in their lower-level Conference Room.  For those unable to attend in person please join via Google Meet, details below.


  • Civil Rights and Labor Special Provision – A SP is in committee which will require contractors and subcontractors to electronically submit certified payrolls and subcontractor payments utilizing the Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) module within the AWP system.
  • E-Tickets - Specification change to Section 109-Measurement and Payment, the revisions add precast concrete products, pipe, and reinforcing steel to subsection, which will make E-tickets required for such items.

A copy of the agenda and proposals will be posted online at the Specifications Committee Website HERE.  Comments are requested on these Specification changes and Project Specific Special Provisions and may be submitted directly to Janie Adkins, Assistant Specifications Engineer at the WVDOH at or, or to the CAWV Specifications Committee Chairman, Chad Miller, at, and John Crane at  Please share comments by June 7, 2024, so that they can be reviewed/discussed at the meeting.


To join by phone dial +1 417-355-8390   PIN: 936295554

Old Business-Provisions discussed at the last committee meeting.

636SP636-Digital Speed Limit Trailer



J. Adkins

6th time to Committee; discussed in August, October, December, February, and April.

Project Specific Special Provision for Digital Speed Limit Trailer on high speed, multi-lane highways, work areas.

Update to Special Provision removes Appendix 636A; it is redline copy showing revision.

Approval is expected in June.

720720.3.2-Quality Assurance (QA) Testing



V. Allison

4th time to Committee; discussed in December, February, and April.

Specification change to Section 720-Smoothness Testing. The revision updates the turnaround time for testing and the removal of Schedule 3 paving.

Updates per comments at the last meeting; it is redline copy showing the revisions.

SP-Civil Rights and Labor (CRL)





D. Ballard

2nd time to Committee; discussed in April.

The purpose of this SP is to notify contractors and subcontractors that they will be required to electronically submit certified payrolls and subcontractor payments utilizing the Civil Rights & Labor (CRL) module within the AWP system.

The SP addresses CRL system requirements and access procedures, payroll submission/import methods, and subcontractor payment submission requirements.

No update to the Special Provision.

406SP406-High Friction Surface Treatment





K. Baranowski

2nd time to Committee; discussed in April.

The purpose of this SP is to include language as it should pertain to a bridge deck, specifically, and in-service bridge deck that has cracking.

The SP addresses the widespread bridge deck cracking and then applies the High Friction Surface Treatment. Overall, this provides an overlay that includes high friction for safety purposes and takes care of the cracks.

No update to Special Provision.


Coated, Galvanized Rigid Conduit





G. Mullins

2nd time to Committee; discussed in April. Specification Change to Section 715-Miscellaneous Materials. After several years listed as plan notes, the update adds the subsection to 715.42.10-Electrical Conduit to help create an APL and aid in the materials finalization process.

No update to the specification; it is the redline copy showing the revision.

Approval is expected in June.

New Business – New Provisions for Spec Committee

106106.1-Source of Supply and Quality Requirements


J. Adkins

1st time to Committee

Specification change to Section 106-Measurement and Payment. Updating Buy America requirements to correlate with new guidance from FHWA. The revision adds reference to the MPs and federal guidelines.

The specification is redline copy showing the revisions.

109109.20.1-Electronic Ticket Delivery


G. Hanna

1st time to Committee

Specification change to Section 109-Measurement and Payment. Revisions adds precast concrete products, pipe, and reinforcing steel to subsection.

The specification is redline copy showing the revision.

601SP601-Structural Concrete

 A. Gillispie

1st time to Committee.

Project Specific Special Provision (SP) for Structural Concrete. The revision adds Class S concrete.

645SP645-EPS Geofoam Box Culvert


D. Verno (TRC)

1st time to Committee.

Project Specific Special Provision (SP) for use of the induced trench method using geofoam to install a culvert. This Project Specific Special Provision is intended to only be used on the coalfields expressway.

701SP701-Expansive Hydraulic Cement

 A. Gillispie

1st time to Committee.

Project Specific Special Provision (SP) for Hydraulic Cement. Revision adds Expansive Hydraulic Cement as a subsection.

701701.5-Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cements


A. Gillispie

1st time to Committee.

Specification Change to 701-Hydraulic Cement. The revision adds new subsection 701.5-Rapid Hardening Hydraulic Cement to the subsection.

 The specification is redline copy showing the revisions.

Past Posts

Out in Print – the WVDOH’s 2023 Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges

By JCrane | 2023/09/28

The WVDOH Technical Support Division has received the long-awaited hard copies of the 2023 Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges. An order form for these…